The best treatments for enlarged prostate: surgery or medication?
What is the best treatment for an enlarged prostate?
The prostate is a gland that is a part of the male reproductive system. It is located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder. The main function of the prostate gland is to produce a fluid that becomes part of semen. The prostate also helps to expel urine from the body.
As men age, it is common for the prostate gland to become enlarged. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH occurs when there is an increase in the number of cells in the prostate gland. This can cause the gland to become larger and put pressure on the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body). BPH can lead to urinary problems, such as difficulty urinating, a weak stream, and a feeling that you need to urinate more often or urgently.

While an enlarged prostate does not usually cause serious health problems, it can be annoying and disruptive to your life. There are several treatment options available for BPH, including medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes. The best treatment option for you will depend on your symptoms and how severe they are.
Medication:Alpha-blockers are often prescribed as a first line of treatment for BPH because they can relieve urinary symptoms quickly. These drugs work by relaxing smooth muscle tissue in the prostate and neck of the bladder, which makes it easier to urinate. Common side effects of alpha-blockers include dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, fatigue, and nausea.5-alpha reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) are another type of medication used to treat BPH.. 5-ARIs work by reducing levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that plays a role in enlarging the prostate.(DHT)is produced when testosterone reacts with 5-alpha reductase enzymes in tissues like those found in hair follicles or Prostate Gland . Reducing DHT levels can slow down or even stop further enlargement ofthe prostate.. Finasteride (Proscar)and dutasteride(Avodart)are two common 5-ARIs usedto treatBPH . More In-Depth decreased libido , erectile dysfunction ,trouble ejaculating ,and breast tenderness or enlargement . Surgery: If medications don’t relieve your symptoms or if your urinary problems are severe , you may need surgery . There are several typesof surgical procedures usedto treatBHP ,including transurethral resectionof thheprostate(TURP )and transurethral microwave thermotherapy(TUMT ) In TURP surgery ,a surgeon insertsa scope throughthe urethra into thheprostategland .Usinga cutting tool attatchedto thhescope ,the surgeon removes excess tissue from around thhe urethra so it no longer pressueson it .TURP surgeryis thhemostcommonly performedsurgical procedurefor BHPand has been shown tourelieveurinary symptomsoverallin about 80 t 90%of men who haveit ..Howeverit doesnot always improve sexual functionand may actuallycauseerectiledysfunctionin some men Recoveryfrom TURPsurgery takesseveral weeksand may involvea periodof time during whichyou will haveto weara catheter(tube)to drain urine fromyourbladderinto acollection bag Mostmen experienceat least some degree oftemporaryincontinenceafter TURPsurgery In TUMTsurgery (),radio wavesare usetocreateheatthat destroysexcessprostates tissue withoutdamaging nearby tissuesor requiring an incision This procedurecan be performedon an outpatient basiswith only local anesthesia In one study80%of mentreatedwith TUMThad significantimprovementin their urinarysymptomsat follow -up one year later Lifestylechanges:Certainlifestyle changesmay helpreduceyour riskfor developingBHPor help improveyour symptomsif you alreadyhaveit Maintaining amealthyweight :Beingoverweightor obeseincreasesyour riskfor developingBenign ProstaticHyperplasiainthesames wayas itincreasesyour riskfor otherconditionslike heartdisease orgtype 2 diabetes Eating amealthy diet :A healthy diet rich infruitsvegetableswhole grainshealthy fatslike olive oiland fishmay helpreduceyourof developingbph Exercisingregularly :Regular physical activityhas been shownto reduceloweryourof developingbph Avoidingalcohol caffeine :Limitingshownto reduceloweryourof developingbph Stressmanagement:Chronic stresshas been linkedwith an increasedriskfor manyhealth conditionsincluding heartdisease stroke asthma obesity cancer One studyfoundthat menwho reportedhigherlevelsof stresswere more likelythan those with lower levelsto developbph over time While these lifestyle changeswill notcure bph theymay help improveyour symptomsas well asslowerriskforthedevelopmentofthe condition
In addition to the treatments mentioned above, there are a few other things that can be done to help manage symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These include:
• avoiding fluids for a few hours before bedtime so that you don’t have to wake up frequently to urinate
• going to the bathroom when you first feel the urge to urinate, even if you don’t think you need to go
• practicing “double voiding” by urinating, then waiting a few minutes and urinating again to empty your bladder completely
• doing pelvic floor muscle exercises (also called Kegel exercises) to improve urinary control. Kegel exercises are simple contractions of the muscles around the urethra. They can be done anywhere and at any time, such as while sitting at a desk or driving in a car. For more information on how to do Kegel exercises, talk to your doctor or other healthcare provider.